Working closely with Metcheck weather to support you.
24/7 Service
A service 24 Hours a day, 7 days a week available to you.
Contact Us
Prepare yourself for the cold weather and contact us now.
Our Services
Not ONE of our sites were interrupted by
weather over the last 4 years!
We provide many different services:

Gritters in Avon & Somerset
With the increased risk of accidents during winter months, we understand the importance of protecting your employees and visitors from accidents due ice and frost. We would like this opportunity to introduce our Salt spreading service - ASALT.
Running in conjunction with the MET office weather system for the Bristol and Avon area we aim to accurately predict when you will require our services preventing accidents from occurring at your work place.

With our 3.5 ton purpose build Salt Spreaders and MET office early warning system we can determine when to visit your site and spread salt economically onto Roadways and footpaths (and refill salt bins) as required for the forthcoming weather conditions spreading between 10g -40g of rock salt per square meter.

What we offer at Asalt
These are some of the services we have available to all our customers. Please call for more information or visit our main contact page.
Bespoke Service
Full Health & Safety Protection
Specialist Dedicated Vehicles for Gritting & Ploughing
24/7 Service Available
Night Gritting to minimise disruption
A complete gritting & snow clearing service
Quotations priced on ‘per visit’ or ‘Full Winter Protection.
Fixed Fees no matter how bad it gets
No lock in contracts
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